yesterday was as close to an 0 day as i have yet faced. I had multiple interruptions but the positive thing is a thing i wrote for work made it to the front page of hackernews. it wasnt my best work but not bad for a few hours work (obviously i have been prepping it in my mind for days). For today I want to catch up on my podcasts and so am turning off udemy and spending some time on basic React tutorials to get it running on cloud9.

i am enjoying Side Hustle School by Chris Guillebeau brought to the world by Gretchen Rubin.

oh and i slept like 12 hours.

I started following this tutorial

and then died when I wanted to fire up the environment because cloud9 is a virtual setup. so you literally cannot access localhost and many people have tried and died. This guy got the closest: but even if you clone it you get the same result.

Conclusion? time to wean myself off of c9. i absolutely LOVE c9 as starting crutches especially because the import environment worked so smoothly and i was comfortable with migrating stuff to host on heroku. honestly speaking they should be paid for the quality of the software they provide. but every developer eventually has to work on his own machine and that has come to roost when using webpack.