i have finished the last part of a-frame school. teleport controllers dont work well in chrome+vive. reported as https://github.com/fernandojsg/aframe-teleport-controls/issues/14

I think i can build an interesting tower-defence type of game off of this minecraft demo from kevin ngo: https://css-tricks.com/minecraft-webvr-html-using-frame/

AR.js is extremely exciting: https://jeromeetienne.github.io/AR.js/ it uses aruco markers: http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/d5/dae/tutorial_aruco_detection.html. I will check out this data viz example when i have time.

vizor is an interesting alternative to aframe: http://blog.vizor.io/

incheon.gg is an interesting backend solution for games http://incheon.gg/