hello and welcome to the back half of 2017.

in 1h17 I finished freecodecamp and wandered about messing around with a few other technologies but never really completing anything major. I did complete this blog revamp and it seems to be sticking.

looking forward.

I want to run myself according to the 12 week year so here goes.

  1. 209 -> 179
  2. FSA
  3. boilerplate project up
  4. SED episode
  5. podcrowd
  6. wesbos course
  7. uber dude website
  8. bufferclone
  9. CTCI, YDKJS, others.
  10. gruber on gruber
  11. guitar
  12. prodesign30

checking in at 11pm after a few hours of wesbos-ing. I am at class 20 and the past modules have been:

  1. Setup
  2. Core concepts (routing, templating, template helpers, MVC, middleware/error hadnling)
  3. Database Storage (mongoose saving, using pug mixins)
  4. Control Flow (async/await, flash messages, mongoose querying, editing flow)
  5. Geolocation (model extension, geocoding with google maps)
  6. File Handling and Image Resizing (uploading/resizing with middleware, single store display)

Obviously I am not new to mongoose or routing or MVC but the things that were incrementally useful to me were:

  • Wes’ helpers
  • pug mixins (i had skimmed over previously)
  • using connect-flash to pass errors from server side to clientside
  • async/await
  • geocoding/autocompletion
  • uploading/resizing images

Wes uses BEM alot in his css and that is skimmed over but deserves further investigation.