after months of searching and being unsatisfied with other people’s boilerplates i am going to do my own.

vladimir’s boilerplate has come the closest to being useful but uses material-ui and react which i dont enjoy as opposed to bootstrap and vue. so i am going to do this and hopefully it will be a learning experience.

npm init
npm i --save express express-session express-validator faker forever glob html-to-text jimp juice moment mongoose mongoose-mongodb-errors passport passport-local-mongoose pug slugs uuid multer nodemailer body-parser vue vue-router bootstrap-vue validator axios connect-flash connect-mongo cookie-parser dompurify dotenv es6-promisify
npm i --save-dev webpack babel-core babel-loader babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react nodemon css-loader node-sass postcss-loader sass-loader postcss-loader extract-text-webpack-plugin autoprefixer

links used in the creation of this:

ok after a good run today I am rethinking my ambition. i need to work in small incremental steps not big ones like the above. i am going to adapt pup to make a boilerplate search engine. lets go.