From a FSA post I made this morning:

a small rant: medium sucks. every word you write contributes to their platform. you dont get to build a relationship with your reader beyond a simple follow. you don’t get to embed anything beyond what medium lets you embed. most of all, people who dont code have their stuff on medium and their profile on linkedin and maybe a personal site on squarespace.

own your distribution or your distribution will own you.

you are a professional developer now. not will be a professional developer, you are one right now. act like it.

what do pro developers do? they have properly groomed githubs, often with a personal github page. They have their own domain where they run their own site.

some examples.


your first client is you. make your client happy.

last night i had a very constructive chat with sacha greif who is launching the state of js ( 2017 and also recently launched vulcanjs 1.6. Jeff of SED ok’ed an interview with him on behalf of the podcast. i have had problems adopting vulcanjs in the past and this is an unbelievable opportunity to ask the man/legend about everything. I am going to spend today brushing up on Sacha and thinking up good questions. I am dropping my design stuff today.