The net evaluation of my Humans of Hacker News post is that it was a complete failure to attract any sort of attention although a couple people did say they liked the idea. However this truly was one of those things where I did enjoy the process. At the same time, nothing lasting is likely to come out of it (I had 2 responses on my survey which is better than nothing) and for that reason I am unlikely to dedicate more time. I might do another round of calls to really make sure there is no PMF and then call it quits.

The experience with SED so far has been nothing. a null. undefined. I submitted all the stuff yesterday and have heard nothing back from Jeff and Erika. granted he did tell me he was super busy and he did mention that money was tight at SED but it was still a little disappointing to do an interview and get nothing. I also chatted with another SED guest who had recorded his interview in June and still hasnt had it posted up yet. Nobody has a right to be on the podcast but some form of feedback, positive or negative, would be nice. at the same time I’ve heard Jeff describe the podcast as a treadmill and so i know he needs all the help he can get with content. So we shall see.

I know i have been going on a streak of not-really-technical posts and projects recently and I need to get that mojo back. I think that will be the focus of my weekend.

For now, time is drawing near to prep the ground for my own podcast. I have a list of 7 regular participants and 3 one-off participants. the focus will be around learning to code and dealing with impostor syndrome. It will be 6 days a week and basically be a “podcast reality show”. I will do de minimis editing but i want intros/outtros/segments because i have some self respect. let’s see how far i can get setting that up today on squarespace.

btw, all these things i am doing involve using startups that are widely marketed as tools for nontechnical people to start online businesses: squarespace, shopify, teelaunch, designpickle, etc. call it market research on free trials.