this is a dictated post so pardon the stream of consciousness.

today was a series of ups and downs. the morning started off with the best lecture I have ever hadAt full Stack Academy,Given by John McDonaldAnd it was about optimization in algorithm problemsIn particularI have never tried to really think about strategies to optimize and he gave us a structureOf four questions to think aboutTackling optimizations which I will definitely be revisiting.

Then we had a Day of discussions with my new capstone group. That experience was not as great.The problem lies inThe groups interest being extremely diverseBut the logical endsNot overlappingPretty much at all we tried musicWe tried developer toolsAnd we triedAny one of my five business ideas and nobody wanted to work on anything.

Chances are we are going to settle on the game and I do mean settleI think games are challengingBut ultimatelyNot applicable toTeacher work and that is disappointingThere’s no way to sugarcoat that. The instructors are trying very hard toPush us to words their idea of a worthwhile projectBut I don’t necessarily trustThere’re advice in or do I think that my interests may necessarily coincide with theirs.

We ended the day with a good lecture from our she one of the Grace Hopper instructorsAnd she talks about architectureBut really it was more of design and scaling issues it was a very general nontechnical talk.

I think the most disappointing thing to meWas the fact that I pitch some of my best ideas and they werePretty much met with Luke warmOr just outright negative receptionFrom people who did not bring muchIn terms of positive contribution on their ownI’m not sure if that matters to me so much so as my ideas being shutdown and that maybe in a ego issue for me But I have to feel what I have to feel anyway.

I also found out that full Stack does not take international students as fellows so my path is pretty much locked in assOne of two things either find a jobWith one of the hiring partners at full StackOr strike out on my ownPotentiallyNot in the US/States.