i am having a TON of fun even though I am unemployed.
so many little nuggets of interestingness today, none major:
- DockerNYC - https://www.meetup.com/Docker-NewYorkCity/events/243339801/ I saw one of the best developer advocate talks I have ever seen from Stefana Muller. She told an engaging story, created a need, and then filled the need with her product. THAT is how to sell. Then the other presentation was on deploying a MERN app to EC2 using Docker and Coldbrew and that is basically what I really really need to learn right now. Extremely useful evening. DockerNYC was also super well organized in general.
- got a very fascinating opportunity from Ryan Glover (more on thursday) - http://www.ryanglover.net/articles/exploration/
- had a fun time at Moat looking at ad time measurement
- talked about sudoku solving looking at it as an exact cover problem using dancing links - js explanation https://stackoverflow.com/a/10507481/1106414 (More: https://sudokugarden.de/en/solve/dancing-links)
- couple conversations with 2sig and pdt
i am meeting a couple old coworkers tomorrow and the day after and they each have project ideas.
product hunt is also interesting but the parameters are too broad.
getting into aws.
i made a new IAM thing with these instructions https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/sqs-setting-up.html
following this tutorial https://github.com/coldbrewcloud/tutorial-nodejs
failed horribly. filed two issues https://github.com/cefjoeii/mern-crud/issues/6 and https://github.com/coldbrewcloud/coldbrew-cli/issues/40