last two days i did weeks 5 and 6. week 5 was rough as it was the “toughest assignment in the course” and i was coming off of a long break so i had to get in the mental shape agian. week 6 was a drop off in intensity and it iwll probably get easier from here. i already know PCA.

i started looking into what i really want to learn which is reinforcement learning. this was supposed to help me with halite.

however i realized that none of my material covers this. it is just too new.

here is a Deep Reinforcement Learning bootcamp with a lot of useful talks

OpenAI Gym seems like the useful library and here is Andrej Karpathy’s pong walkthru

Andrej also has a JS library that could be just what i need for a basic game:

more reinforcement learning resources: from this HN thread