there are bindings for react and firebase without redux.

however there are no bindings for react and firestore without redux.

this is the best i’ve found:

So adopting needs to be tested to understand where redux goes in.


  1. set up a Create React App
  2. yarn add redux react-redux firebase redux-firestore react-redux-firebase@next
  3. add firebase.js in src as per their readme
  4. add firebaseConfig from firebase console
  5. copy in the component class from their readme
  6. add it into App.js
  7. npm start

this turned out not to work very well. i have to try the simple version

i managed to adapt react-firebase for firestore successfully. not the neatest code but it works. i also sent it in as a PR but dont think it will get accepted. still dont know how to make my prettier work with eslint.

time to look at auth rules.