my task today is to add react-error-overlay into my storybook setup.

it involves modifying webpack.config.js inside .storybook which is easy.

but then i also have to insert middleware into the dev server run by storybook, which is the tricky bit. this was moved: which causes minor confusion and some googling.

now to track the dependencies

  • @storybook/react/src/server/index has the line for app.use(storybook(configDir))
  • configDir is simply .storybook
  • storybook comes from ./middleware which is an export default
  • ./middleware has the Router i tried using it in webpack.config.js and it doesnt work.
  • so instead i focus on middlewareFn(router)
  • middlewareFn = getMiddleware(configDir), getMiddleware is from ./utils
  • getMiddleware in utils.js pulls from configDir/middleware.js.

and that led me to this: which showed how to do custom middleware. it was dead simple.

just have .storybook/middleware.js:

const errorOverlayMiddleware = require('react-dev-utils/errorOverlayMiddleware');
module.exports = errorOverlayMiddleware;

i filed this:

helpful issues:


and that led me to this: which showed how to do custom middleware. it was dead simple.