i wanted to help make a gatsby mdx prismajs plugin today to help the @reach/router docs use mdx but also have syntax highlighting.

it was easy enough to fork gatsby-plugin-mdx.

and the prismajs example i had uses the module: rules format:

  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        exclude: /(node_modules)/,
        use: "babel-loader"
        test: /\.md$/,
        use: path.resolve("build/markdown-loader.js")

however the gatsby ecosystem uses webpack-configurator and it requires you to use “loaders”.

There appears some confusion between webpack loaders vs module.use and they have switched back and forth confusingly: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43002099/rules-vs-loaders-in-webpack-whats-the-difference/43805263

the docs don’t really tell us any alternative way of configuring loaders - its just strings now: https://webpack.js.org/concepts/loaders/

they do have a section on writing a loader and i dont think i have a problem with that.

i tried to use config.merge() like so:

  config.merge(function(config) {
    config.module = {
      rules: [
          test: /\.js$/,
          exclude: /(node_modules)/,
          use: 'babel-loader',
          text: mdFiles,
          use: path.resolve('markdown-loader.js'),
    console.log({ config })
    return config

and this is the error i got - another not allowed error:

{ config:
   { context: '/Users/swyx/OpenSource/gatsby-plugin-mdx-prismjs/examples/basic',
     node: { __filename: true },
      { main: '/Users/swyx/OpenSource/gatsby-plugin-mdx-prismjs/examples/basic/.cache/develop-static-entry' },
     debug: true,
     target: 'node',
     profile: false,
     devtool: 'source-map',
      { path: '/Users/swyx/OpenSource/gatsby-plugin-mdx-prismjs/examples/basic/public',
        filename: 'render-page.js',
        libraryTarget: 'umd',
        publicPath: '/' },
     resolveLoader: { root: [Array], modulesDirectories: [Array] },
      [ [StaticSiteGeneratorWebpackPlugin],
        [ExtractTextPlugin] ],
     resolve: { extensions: [Array], modulesDirectories: [Array] },
     module: { rules: [Array] } } }
There were errors with your webpack config:
object.allowUnknown , "rules" is not allowed

Your Webpack config does not appear to be valid. This could be because of
something you added or a plugin. If you don't recognize the invalid keys listed
above try removing plugins and rebuilding to identify the culprit.