my prior work on this is here:
today i am starting work on the starter showcase.
quote myself:
digging into gatsby-source-github right now to see if i can crawl dependencies within gatsby instead of outside it (which is how I currently do it). it seems slightly problematic with security in particular (have to supply a github personal access token, which I assume we have to host in netlify somewhere) and we dont really need much beyond just grabbing a package.json. I think my node-based approach is faster and simpler, but less automated.
there’s reasonable doubt as to whether my approach is best (given we want to show off gatsby’s capabilities) but for the timeframe I have I should probably just port over my existing approach. happy to completely throw it out and rewrite if we decide we want to make full automation a priority (i suspect it’s not)
we went with the crawl-outside approach.
so for integrating starter-search into gatsby’s www i need to:
- figure out where to place the source data
- figure out where to place the images
- copy over the main showcase list page
- copy over the showcase detail page
- adapt to show and filter dependencies
- add route for dependencies so that we can link from other sites
- write the automation script last
i cant do this right now as have family issues. really bad timing.