what follows is something i nearly sent in, but reconsidered. i think i will just stick to using allFiles for all the things. but it doesn’t feel good.


when using imageSharp i see a lot of writing of glue code just to match up the image with the associated file or other content. this feels like a very config heavy experience that probably should be easier. see: https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issues/1749

what if instead of modifying gatsby-node.js every time we add an image, we make the imageSharp query usable purely within GraphQL?

I think the usability of gatsby-transformer-sharp’a imageSharp type could be greatly improved by exposing the metadata of the related file the image comes from. I want to be able to do this:

    allImageSharp(filter: {
      relativePath: {
    }) {
      edges {
        node {
          fixed {

instead of having to glue AllFile and allImageSharp together every time, or use AllFile and `child :(