second wind

  • i have a couple of paths i can pursue now. i dont like the separate declaration of paths. but i also probably want to have a data injection model, and thats probably the meatier thing to tackle rather than nitpicking about dev ergonomics.
  • create-jamstack-app could be interesting - netlifycms is really good to show off the power.
  • ok well lets do this i guess
  • tired out now. i have to think about converting the jamstack-scripts node process into a babelified thing. also would be good to import other assets including css.

sun pm session

  • i need to make the jamstack-scripts node process be babelified.
  • lost an hour on trying to make @babel/register work
  • using babel-register, and now the ignore: false is biting me. logan again:
  • babel-register is a complete failure
  • i am going to try inserting a straight babel build step into create-jamstack-app
  • filled out ‘s readme at matt’s request
  • so i got the BoringShell transpiled in jamstack-scripts. i should rip out the current CJA bundler and put in BoringShell
  • CJA assumes an index.html. i might regret my decision to target index.js as entry instead of index.html.
  • ok i did a first rewrite of boringshell with babel to hook in to the yarn start process. v0.0.4 published. hope it doesnt blow up in my face.
  • LOL
✝  netlify/create-jamstack-app/plsdelete   master  yarn start
yarn run v1.6.0
$ jamstack-scripts start
Cannot find module '../BoringShell'
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
  • ah. i need to whitelist the files i publish… and the template dependencies thing didnt work for @reach/router
  • filed this issue
  • minor babel hiccup nbd
  • now i have yarn start running but because i prebabeled my stuff i basically punted on doing it for SSR?
  • this is a big problem, potetntial showstopper. i dont know how to do this.


so i am having trouble with my babel strategy - talking out loud in case anyone here has ideas/advice

  • basically for static site generation i need babel running in node to SSR the react app. I know how to do this as a standalone app, its just babel-node.
  • However now i’m making a library to do the same thing and i can’t use babel-node or babel-register.
  • so in my library i compile down using regular babel. however now this es5 js inside the library doesn’t know how to work with the esnext js in the app!

after being in a bit of a funk i am retrying babel-register

  • taking serious inspiration from react-statics setup with the separate js file.
  • well ok i gave the babel config a try and it did not work. trying it in a slightly different place, and with a “binhelper”
  • now it wants to have a top level .babelrc. i am also forced to install babel-preset-react-app top level. lets see.
  • ok. i have hit the limit. i cant get the babel node thing to work without seriously ripping up a lot of this infrastructure. time to scale down my ambitions, and just work on last mile for boring-ssg.

sun evening

  • so back to boring ssg. time to brush up the DX a bit and actually do a bit of data injection
  • took in the files from gatsby starter netlifycms
  • now i have a basic markdown plugin but its not injected
  • the data injection is very complex. not sure i have enough time to do it.
  • drew some state charts, then decided that while the route/split data was possible, it wasnt ever going to be finished by me on time. need to be less ambitious.
  • big ball of data approach.
  • even going with big ball of data i am having trouble injecting the ball into the html.
  • this react-safe library is great for that:
  • okay. after a lot of finnicking i have data rendering in server and in window.
  • i tried importing images and stuff but it seems if i have a js entry point the parcel logic is not at all worked out for that.
  • ok well i have markdown coming in slowly. just need to get static files up.
  • done! woo.
  • now i need to move back to indexhtml if i have a hope of bundling assets.
  • trying to inspect the bundler - this is very handy: - instead of JSON.stringify use util.inspect(object)
  • well i had to abandon the move back to indexhtml. the problem isnt caused by parcel really - its that babel-node doesnt know how to transpile CSS. and i have run out of time to fix that
  • actually i havent!!! babel plugins to the rescue!
  • for the record i am still on JS not HTML. ok so now i have a BoringShell.css working… trying all.sass
  • the sass renaming with babel-plugin-transform-rename-import didnt work, i got this:
/Users/swyx/netlify/boringssg2/boring-ssg/src/layouts/index.js: Cannot resolve dependency './all.css' at '/Users/swyx/netlify/boringssg2/boring-ssg/src/layouts/all.css'
    at Resolver.resolve (/Users/swyx/netlify/boringssg2/boring-ssg/node_modules/parcel-bundler/src/Resolver.js:70:17)
    at <anonymous>
    ["transform-rename-import", { 
      "original": "^(.+?)\\.sass$", 
      "replacement": "$1.css" 
  • i can try to skip that with the compiled css
  • ok i got svgs working
  • basically have the whole site up except for the blog posts so lets do that
  • i have blogposts working


today i learned how npm’s bin works. in your package.json you have this:

  "bin": {
    "jamstack-scripts": "./bin/jamstack-scripts.js"

upon install that file (if it exists) gets copied to your top level node_modules/.bin thingy. and thats how you can run jamstack-scripts foobar in the command line within that folder.

misc thoughts

  • “more projects than people” is a great comment
  • “answer a different question” when facing a tough/boring question