how do most websites come to be
- themes
- nice stuff, aimed at specific use cases
- prebuilt mass manufactured
- cheaper to have expert designer
- drupal founder - now runes a diff company - SaaSification of the web
- what was custom built is now saas
- RE business 150bucks - website for you
- could find a local agency - would cost 5-10k and uncertain quality
- awesome onramp to using gatsby
- dont want to spend a ton of time configuring
- theme system
- wordpress / drupal agencies
- several base themes that are popular
- basis of tons of custom built wp instances
- take the design, write the css, html and js
- more polished base starters for gatsby
- establish baselines on top of gatsby
- ejecting?
- a theme can ship with components
- overrides for components
- run a command line and list components
- list included in themes that you want to override
- override title
- hmm
- maybe extend instead “in the normal gatsby way”
- to pull in random data for company
- gatsbypress have a well thought out component tree
- straightfwd overriding
- well documented
- default gatsbypress uses emotion, global theme object (sass/less version too)
- overriding plugins is trickier (vs overriding components)
- (not so keen) just using default is fine
- ideally we dont do that
- define what it is, and what it is not
- lock down - datastructure
- copy wordpress
- page type, post type, user
- components dont need to write gql queries
- assume what every component needs
- editing page type
- data layer handles translation
- create content types on contentful
- gatsby config
- specify backend
- gatsbypress = app or basetheme or themeconfig or themetype
- theme <- supplies components
- gatsby theme creator
- defining core datatypes and core components
- other themes
- blog theme first?
- documentation theme
- ecommerce theme
- restaurant themes?
next part
- marketplace - browse - live immediately
- platform for saas type experiences
- we take care of hosting/blding
- so they only focus the theme
- be part of that wave
technical qtn
- how does the theme define a content type
- how are the schemas enforced and propagated to the backend
- how does component overwriting work
basic stypes
- prototype something
- play around - dx is super important
- built out a few different themes
- starting to feel smooth
- launch with gatsbypress, documentation, and ecommerce
- then finetuning with agencies
- then building a bunch of polished themes
- a preview launch
- then a launch launch
- with 10 super nice themes that we launch with
- and you can install right away
- color presets
- typo presets
- 25 diff combos of color and typos.
agencies agencies agencies
- gbpress - really attractive entry pt into the gatsby ecosystem
- feel the constraints of gbpress - learn gb for real
- apple vs android - compare with high end enterprise webdev vs sqspace/wpress
- ridiculously entry into using gatsby. cool + fun + useful
- constraint is v2, and also after v2
- cloud platform
- how fast can you go from install gatsbypress, and a finished custom site - in 1hr
- making that one movement super fluid and well documented.
- its the first try and its the most common thing people will do
- ship a default plugin stack
- backends are very constrained - in what they can or cant do
- even if the implementation is weird - ecommerce
- vuecommerce
- not hard to figure out that part - how does that translate to gatsby. the UX is obvious - its more of a technical/ business goal
images too long to process
- backend person - build system, do the build ourselves: 40 sites
- v2 end of july
- kurt gets back and we can sync up again