i can forsee myself needing a merge function so i wrote one:

// let a = 1, b = 100
// let observable1 = new Observable(observer => {
//   // Emit a single value after 1 second
//   let timer = () => setTimeout(() => {
//     observer.next(a++);
//     timer()
//   }, 2000);
//   timer()

//   // On unsubscription, cancel the timer
//   return () => clearTimeout(timer);
// });
// let observable2 = new Observable(observer => {
//   // Emit a single value after 1 second
//   let timer = () => setTimeout(() => {
//     observer.next(b++);
//     timer()
//   }, 1000);
//   timer()

//   // On unsubscription, cancel the timer
//   return () => clearTimeout(timer);
// });
// // merge(observable1, observable2).subscribe(a => console.log('see', a))

// merge

function merge(...obsArgs) {
  return new Observable(observer => {
    const subs = obsArgs.map(obs => obs.subscribe(x => observer.next(x)))
    // todo: handle unsubscribe haha
    return () => subs.forEach(sub => sub()) // untested, hope it works

i also sketched out a proto api for reactive react:

class Abc extends Component {
  source($) {
    return Observable.of(1)
  render($) {
    return <LabeledSlider />

class LabeledSlider extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.input = <input type="range" min={20} max={80} onInput={console.log} />
  source($) {
    return this.input.onInput$
  render($) {
    return <div>{this.input}</div>

i definitely havent worked out how the values go in and out of each other yet.

12am briefly considered using functions as the component api. but didact’s updateInstance is clearly triggered by passing a reconcile on the internalInstance so i dont see any reason to modify that. classes it is.

12.45 ok i have started working on creatsource. i have a great nearterm goal - just using zenobservable, make a vanilla js updating app.

1.15 needed a scan instead of a reduce, so i wrote one:

function scan(obs, cb, initial) {
  let sub, acc = INIT
  if (typeof initial !== 'undefined') acc = initial
  return new Observable(observer => {
    if (!sub) sub = obs.subscribe(val => {
      if (acc !== INIT) acc = cb(acc, val)

1.30 yay i have my first plain observable js app, a click counter:

import Observable from 'zen-observable'

// create
const app = document.getElementById('app')
const div = document.createElement('div')
const btn = document.createElement('btn')
btn.innerText = 'click me'
const div2 = document.createElement('div')
div2.innerText = '0'
div2.id = 'div2'

if (app.firstChild) app.replaceChild(div, app.firstChild)
else app.appendChild(div)

// listen
  fromEvent(btn, 'click'),
  (prev, cur) => {
    document.getElementById('div2').innerText = prev + 1
    return prev + 1
).subscribe(x => console.log('Clicked! ' + x));

function fromEvent(el, eventType) {
  return new Observable(observer => {
    el.addEventListener(eventType, e => observer.next(e))
    // on unsub, remove event listener
    return () => console.log('not implemented yet')

function scan(obs, cb, initial) {
  const INIT = Symbol('NO_INITIAL_VALUE')
  let sub, acc = INIT
  if (typeof initial !== 'undefined') acc = initial
  return new Observable(observer => {
    if (!sub) sub = obs.subscribe(val => {
      if (acc !== INIT) acc = cb(acc, val)

with this ground work i think i can start refashioning things into the core of the Creat reconciler.

3am ok i struggled with whether i could construct sources first and then do the view in the reducer, but it seems this is probably not possible so i am just making both data$ and view$ at the same time.

the other thing i cant resolve is how to make eventListeners into sources. i’ve opted for the very creative strategy of IGNORING THE PROBLEM for now, hopefully i might be able to use some sort of createRef or attach() strategy if i ever get there.

so assuming sources only ever come exogenously, i can make some progress. maybe. urgh this is an absurd assumption.

4am hmm, the vdom library (https://github.com/Matt-Esch/virtual-dom) seems like it would fit very very well in api with my scan and subscribe function so i dont have to rewrite all of the reconciliation (currently reconciliation does two jobs, it diffs and it creates recursively and imperatively. i need the creation to be separate fromt the diff so i can create a bunch of sources and then just diff to kingdom come).

assuming i do that then i am really struggling with making an api that would pass a source both to source and its value to render.