spent some time reading into immediate mode GUIs based on this discussion of react. it seems React is retained mode because components retain state. but interestingly enough the browser is immediate mode. here’s another discussion of that fact:

  • https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/24103/immediate-gui-yae-or-nay
  • https://www.gamedev.net/forums/topic/694192-when-did-immediate-mode-take-over-the-web/
  • seb on vdom being immediate mode: https://twitter.com/sebmarkbage/status/530393349069750272
  • great essay on the topic: http://www.johno.se/book/imgui.html

this is related to a broader group of essays on the fundamentals of react:

  • https://jlongster.com/Removing-User-Interface-Complexity,-or-Why-React-is-Awesome
  • https://github.com/reactjs/react-basic/blob/1512678469e04da02fe052ba884480a78f2e03ee/README.md
  • react and bacon: https://joshbassett.info/2014/reactive-uis-with-react-and-bacon/

a cool idea for my demo would be using requestanimationframe to update: https://css-tricks.com/using-requestanimationframe/
and heres an interaction with settimeout: http://www.javascriptkit.com/javatutors/requestanimationframe.shtml

 var adiv = document.getElementById('mydiv')
var starttime
function moveit(timestamp, el, dist, duration){
    //if browser doesn't support requestAnimationFrame, generate our own timestamp using Date:
    var timestamp = timestamp || new Date().getTime()
    var runtime = timestamp - starttime
    var progress = runtime / duration
    progress = Math.min(progress, 1)
    el.style.left = (dist * progress).toFixed(2) + 'px'
    if (runtime < duration){ // if duration not met yet
        requestAnimationFrame(function(timestamp){ // call requestAnimationFrame again with parameters
            moveit(timestamp, el, dist, duration)
    starttime = timestamp || new Date().getTime() //if browser doesn't support requestAnimationFrame, generate our own timestamp using Date
    moveit(timestamp, adiv, 400, 2000) // 400px over 1 second

the om style serialize state and free undo stuff is also seriously cool, i want it:

  • https://circleci.com/blog/local-state-global-concerns/
  • https://swannodette.github.io/2013/12/31/time-travel

3 aug

slidemaking mode. i am 20 slides in and i think i have the rough sequence of arguments, but i need diagrams to help argue the point and then i need some examples.

i also want to figure out if push-pull FRP is actually what we are talking about.

1.30am - done with “problem” flowcharts. now i need to look into push pull frp

ok i think i have all the charts i need. i am not going to claim push pull frp because i frankly dont super understand it but i like the idea of a reactive structure that is a “sequence of non reactive phases”.

7.30am done https://www.beautiful.ai/-LIw2oTJmrrwRqvsoYgD/3