we are coding our own SDN with pyretic today but the syntax is weird. it took me like 3 hours to figure out how to run the stuff and i only just figured out that in order to skip a rule i had to pass match(). not identity or drop or undefined lol. sigh.

solved the first 1! fuck that took 4 hours.

now before i go on to the others i need to figure out how to find a mac address. hopefully its easier from here.

found mac address, and set up all the fields, but now on the 2nd rule i am getting some requirements bullshit for implementing the ‘B’ protocol flag. gah.

awesome. it was just a stupid ordering thing. INSIDE match. which is silly.

ok rule 1 2 3 were defending from all hosts. now we defend against specific sources.

so apparently ‘ping’ uses ICMP, whereas UDP and TCMP need servers and clients. TIL.

alright i have 1-6 passing manual tests. now to look for automated solutions.


thats about it! done.