info: Babel Macros are new in Babel 7 and have started to be included in great community tools like create-react-app. A lot of people may not know what the big deal is, and I would LOVE the opportunity to tell them, as well as demystify the process by showing how Babel Macros are made and used!

Well, a lot of my own personal heroes have spoken at JSHeroes and I would absolutely love the opportunity to share my own learnings with the audience!

info: Concurrent React and React Hooks aren’t simply new ways to do old things. They represent a new, stronger opinion of what apps should do by default.

I’ve been covering React’s upcoming APIs closely and through answering hundreds of questions on r/reactjs and Twitter I have found a concise and illuminating way of explaining the new APIs that many have found helpful. This talk will demonstrate the points through a live coding demo and even if you don’t do React (I have tested this on iOS and Android engineers!) it will be relevant to you as long as you care about UI.

This is my first ever non-technical talk proposal but I feel it is my most important message to fellow developers. I first wrote about Learning In Public in June and it resonated with many, many devs, inspiring them to start their own Learn In Public journey. I’ve never elaborated on this in talk form before, so I figured it could be fitting to debut this on the JSHeroes stage.