valerie session 1

  • communication is not about info its about CONNECTION - improvise
  • what can we do to make it more connected
  • self aware vs self conscious
  • “entertainment” is energy and intention
  • style: full of fun, energetic, love for what i talk about, passion for wanting others to understand and enjoy as much as i do
  • sarah role model - express her intelligence, connect thru passion
  • uh or um as much

3 big big big notes

  • PAUSING whole delivery to be more professional and credible - come thru in terms of stage presence. credibility falters when people using filler words and talking too fast. power of pause cannot be overrated. it makes us as listeners really trust. more pauses is going to help you not have to slow down. dont slow down cause its your energy. but you can take more pauses in your phrasing so it starts to sound more conversational. now you’re talking with the audience, not just in a monologue. just practice it mostly in convos with friends.
    Humor more effective/know how to use it - humor is not gonna work if timing is off - let us laugh with you.
  • think about how you are prioritizing information. speeding thru a lot of information. we have to know that you’ve taken your respect of us that you’re prioritizing things. rule of 3. prioritize and limit amount of info from the beginning. lightning talk 10 minute. react boston. you do no one a favor giving too much info. havent taken time to prioritize what you’re gonna tell me.
    • openings. give audience a roadmap - this is where we’re going to go. why i’m here talking to them. why what i have to say is relevant to them. “i’m talking about this bc you and i both know that this isnt talked about enough. and bc its not talked about enough, and how we can fix it, and make it much more serviceable to our needs.” these are clues that let us know how you have designed this talk for our needs.
    • react rally. give credit and learn in public. but put it at the end. nice way to end, why i’m doing what i’m doing, and make it beneficial to the audience. figure out a lovely ending that hits that note. “i hope this talk has given you my expdriences with that but also why this is impt to you bc i understand that this is an issue for you as well thats why i want to learn about it”. we need to know your experiences are going to move us thru an understanding that is beneficial to us. we can’t spend too long with the lead in. lead in can be fun, but it has to be succinct. you are building blocks. how it feels to learn reactive.
    • who is this audience? people who’re also learning rxjs. you have to pause. you have to scale down what you’re talking about. give us the ability to absorb before moving on. if you have your slides, your slides are dictating your pace. narrating a slideshow. speaking as fast as slides are coming. don’t use slides, use whiteboard. type and talk at the same time.
    • 3 slides. use whiteboard. get up and get out and talk and then go back. not multitasking. fully focus. have pauses.


  • too much info
  • too many slides
  • pausing
  • letting things land/enjoy audience


  • anchor - spreadsheet analogy.
  • question and story - put this up in the beginning as a roadmap

  • draw back a little bit - not just narrating a slide show
  • could without those slides - its the flow that keeps our attention
  • mixing up focus, intentionally. example: bring up a blank slide - right in the middle