ddd workshop
- list of things
- you should be able to drop your domain expert infront of your graphiql and they can get exactly what they want
- ddd scorecard has levels of difficulty/cruddiness
- dont let your users speak crud
- bounded contexts vs big ball of crud
- ddd bounded contexts <=> actor model
- ddd relationship with leaky testing impl detail
- event storming: domain event (something that happened past tense), command, actor, model
- indi young: mental models book
- value objects (immutable, no identity only values, ALWAYS VALID: NO SETTERS, only validate via constructors), single entities (has identity, state, mutable, never in an invalid state), aggregate entities (responsible for child entities)
- brewsessionwasplanned === german!
- event sourcing - like git, only track changes, append only event storage. avoid object relational impedance mismatch. logging for free
- CQRS = seperate write and read. framework from domain. but very complex, use later